Just call the jail you think they may be in. Ask them how much the bail for "Joe Smith" is and if Joe is there they will tell you how much the bail is. You can then ask what the charges are then they will tell you that too.
Without calling the jail how do I find out if a person is jail because there is a couple ppl I am wondering about and I don't want to ask everyone of them is there a website I can go on to and it be free to see if there in jail because everything I go into it wants MONEY...Thanks
Got to your state department of correction web site
I'm looking for my son & wanted to see if he was in jail
Call the jail where he was incarcerated at they will let you know if he is still there or if he has been transferred.
Most people who have been arrested, have their information listed on the web site of the agency who has them detained. Another place to look is the attorney who defended him.
By going to the station and asking.
I Think My Brother In Jail?
I am asking you stupid!!!!!! I hate this legal system. I want to know if my boyfriend is in jail and you ask me to answer???? What are you good for??? NOTHING!!!
Contact the jail or penial system were you think the person may be incarcerated and get the information you need....the best to you