Should convicted Paedophilles be granted protective custody in prison?


9 Answers

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Nope .. They should not enjoy any level of preferential treatment .. Period

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

As loathsome as paedophiles are, it's not humanely possibly to hand them over to the justice of the mob. If we do that, why not dispense with the trial altogether and just lynch them?

As practical as it sounds -- for they will never be safe to turn loose in the community -- we can't sink to that level of depravity ourselves or we put ourselves on their level.

I don't know the solution, but civilisation has come too far to put itself in the hand of lynch mobs.

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

I see a lot of barbarism expressed on this answer and it is a good thing we live in a country of laws, not men.

Some pedophiles are in protective custody and in some states they have there own prisons. California comes to mind. 

We have law for a reason and there is a reason the law is above men. Allowed babarism is not one of our laws.

Ravin Local Profile
Ravin Local answered

That answer would depend on which side of the fence you're on. The mother or father of a convicted child molester would more than likely want them protected, because of their love for that person, no matter what they've done. The family of the victim would almost surely want them thrown into general population at the prison, to be brutalized daily.  I can only say that if the victim was someone I loved, I'd want to rip their heart out myself.

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

IMO ... It depends entirely on if they are a criminal pedophile, or a psychological one.

Someone can be labeled a criminal pedophile when they aren't really sexually attracted to children.  EG: They are just outside the age range of the "Romeo and Juliet" laws.

So they committed a legal act of pedophilia ... But are not a pedophile.  Just like there are people who are stuck with permanent records as a "sex offender", when they aren't pedophiles or rapists.

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

No. They should have the same protected custody they gave our beautiful precious innocent child and children.

Pedophiles are Barbarians preying on our children.  

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