It is indeed possible to sue for harassment in a small claims court, however proving you are being harassed and getting the claim accepted can be very difficult and costly. Many may prefer to simply go to the police and explain they are being harassed by a certain person. Then if the evidence is there the police may well give the accused a restraining order which means they are not allowed to approach you or have to stay a certain distance from you. Asking for a restraining order will not cost you any money, and although you don't receive any money like you could do if you successfully sued, the process of getting the order is usually a lot quicker than a case at the small claims court would be.
Harassment can be a very serious crime and cause major damage to a person's mental state if they are feeling trapped in their own home as they don't want to leave the house in fear of the person who is harassing them finding them. Harassment can also unfortunately be a sign of more serious crimes to come. When some relationships break down and one of the partners does not want it to end they can become rather possessive. What starts out as constant harassment can end up being as serious as murder if the person is not stopped soon enough.
Before suing for harassment, or telling the police, it could well be worth telling the person exactly how you feel and that you believe they are harassing you and that they need to stop or you will report them. On some occasions this may be all they need to realize what they are doing and the trouble they could be in. However, if you feel they won't listen or you don't wish to talk to them at all then contacting the police would be the best policy.
Harassment can be a very serious crime and cause major damage to a person's mental state if they are feeling trapped in their own home as they don't want to leave the house in fear of the person who is harassing them finding them. Harassment can also unfortunately be a sign of more serious crimes to come. When some relationships break down and one of the partners does not want it to end they can become rather possessive. What starts out as constant harassment can end up being as serious as murder if the person is not stopped soon enough.
Before suing for harassment, or telling the police, it could well be worth telling the person exactly how you feel and that you believe they are harassing you and that they need to stop or you will report them. On some occasions this may be all they need to realize what they are doing and the trouble they could be in. However, if you feel they won't listen or you don't wish to talk to them at all then contacting the police would be the best policy.