
How Do You Drop Child Support Collection And Settle Out Of Court?


6 Answers

Jackie Russell Profile
Jackie Russell answered
It is recommended that you talk to your lawyer before dropping any child support. Your lawyer will be able to talk you through all of your options and work out what is the best option for you. When making your decision, think about the needs of the child before your own. Your child is the most important person in the situation and their needs should be the priority. You should also think about the future and how any decisions made now will affect your child into their early adulthood.

It is possible to drop child support. Any agreement between the two parties, usually the parents, takes precedence over what the court may have previously ordered, except in the cases of Medicaid, welfare, etc, where the courts want a responsible party to pay when they can, rather than taxpayers. You would have to make an agreement for no-child support and have your current order amended to reflect that.

Unless the parent, who is not paying child support relinquishes their parental rights to the child, they can always go back to court and ask for a modification of the current custody order. Child support (or lack thereof) does not give the parent who pays it the right to see their child. The parent who does not have custody of the child does have a constitutional right to see their child, irrespective of child support. Only a custody agreement where they agree to ‘no custody’ of the child or their formally relinquishing parental rights will eliminate their rights as a parent.

Know that, in all likelihood, no matter which course of action you take, once you agree to not accept child support should something change down the road, you will not likely get child support ‘retroactively’ to the previous agreement.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If me and my babys dad is back together and we are not married can we drop the child support
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If me and my babys dad are back together and not married can he get off child support
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes.  You can stop child support.  There are some measures you need to take before legally being done with it, however even if your the father were to default on child support, it would be your job to proceed and bring charges against him.  The state of Georgia will not interest themselves with your matter if you have no desire to press charges against the father of the baby if he were to default.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have been paying Child support to the state for 13 years and both kids have been living with me for the past 6 years.  Each month I pay 200 and  but the state is charging 29% intrest on the ballance due.  At this point I have paid the state 135,200.00 and they say I still owe them the ballance because I have just been paying the intrest on the money.  With the intrest on loans being 4-5% how is this possible for the State to charge me this and still demand the ballance due.  Is there someone out there that might be able to help me navigate these people to get a fair ending to this long process?

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