How Long Does A Misdemeanor Stay On Your Record For The Public To See, Is This The Same For Every State?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually, if it is a misdemeanor, you can go to the courthouse where you were charged, tried and found guilty and ask the clerk for an annulment on the charge in question. You don't necessarily need an attorney to do this. You can ask the clerk for any help filling out this form.  The form will be presented to a judge and he or she  will make the decision to annul the charge from your record. Good luck :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I got a misdemeanor assult on family violence in 2005 1st offense ever, And how do I get it off my record to find a job?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It would be very rare that a misdemeanor wouldn't be able to be expunged - you should be able to get this off your record, just talk to an attorney. I know this sounds expensive, but keeping a crime on your record is much more expensive. You're lucky, expunging a felony is a lot more difficult.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No its not the same in every state. But most states will leave it ion your record for 5 years then you'd have to write the judge to get your file sealed
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It will stay in your record for as long as you live. For it to go away, it has to be removed and it will have to be done by an attorney. That process is not easy to have done.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Expunge it through a lawyer in five years unless it was in the media, and that wont go away. It was in the public eye and most people can't do anything about it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How long does a misdemeanor assault in texas  how will I get this off my record 2000 when it happen.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a crime still on my records 17 years later , and it was only a theft , I thought it would only stay on for 5 years , but no 17 years on its still there ,
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi havik, I would like to say 5 yrs, but you need to expunge it with an expungement packet you can get at the recorders office at the court house.  The directions are there and the so called seasoning requirements are there...Good luck

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