Well if you have a google search engine there is a family tree thing just enter your dads full name and you can get a list of sites that will tell you how to find the person um here are some things I got...ancestry.com ' target='_blank' class='qa'>clk.atdmt.com www.familytree.com don't know if they will help but its a start.
I wont to know what his name was first and last
I m located in baroda gujrat and wants to know my fathers fathers name
My understanding is you don't know what your father's name was/is? You have seen your birth certificate I presume and it did not list his name? Were you adopted? Is your mother living and doesn't want you to know? Do your grandparents know? If you are 18 or older you could possibly talk to your mother or grandparents or adopted parents and tell them that you need to know this information in order to know who you are. If your relationship with them is good, perhaps they will tell you. If nothing else, do you know when you were born and where? You could get a copy of newspaper listings of births for that day in that city. All this will be much easier if you are legally an adult of course. I just googled "trying to find birth parent" and there were lots of sites to check out. Be sure you have as much information as possible before you begin. If you are under age 18 now, use the intervening time to collect as much info as you can. Good luck to you.