
Why Do We Need Legislation?


4 Answers

James FitzGerald Profile
If we did not have rules, regulations and laws in place then there would be anarchy across the globe. That is why we have a police force in order to maintain calm and order. If you do things that are unlawful, like robbery, you will more than likely end up in prison.
Laws and rules are the backbone of a democratic civilisation. Without this people would just run riot and loot whatever they fancy from expensive cars to televisions, laptops and other technology products.
The most influential person of our modern time who was destined to promote a type of anarchy was Karl Marx. Some of his aims were to overthrow the main ideals of the capitalist society by inducing a violent revolution of the proletariat who were oppressed. 
Regardless of the law, nothing was in their way to stop them, but a coercive system devised to maintain a classless society would be brought into being and, in this way, the law and the state would 'whither away' into nothing.
The Marxist ideology looks forward rather than back to the Golden Age of history where the fine balance of social harmony will be in harmony to the natural goodness of man.
This would not be interrupted by any factors, such as the institution of private assets and property. Marxist socialism has always been closely followed and seen by the implementation of more laws and legal repression, rather than having them abolished or simply thrown out.
It is a fact of nature that separates us from the animals that we need laws in order to govern. They are what separates us from chaos instead of living in an orderly society full of laws and policies.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Legislation is basically there to set out a basic guideline of how we should live our lives
and how to make our life better for ourselves but also for the people around
us. This is another reason why all people have human rights for instance.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its basically to keep employer and their employee safe FROM EG FIRE HAZARDS OR FOOD HAZARDS
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It regulates the ways people lives,it improves the lives of people,

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