- Legal sovereignty is a concept thats occurs in British courts, and other countries that have a court system and parliamentary system as well as having a monarch.
- Legal sovereignty basically means that parliament has the overriding power to pass laws in the country, as long as it has the backing of the majority of the house. This is because parliament is not parliamentary sovereign, which means that if there is not a majority vote on a law, then it cannot be put in to proper practice.
- Legal sovereignty is the power to be able to make the law, not put it in to practice, and this is why there must be a majority vote for the laws to come in to practice in the country.
- Legal sovereignty basically means that the law has the power over everybody, and the lords and politicians of parliament have the power and sovereignity to make the laws for the rest of the country, because they are in the best of knowledge of what is supposedly best for the country at the time of the law making.
- Legal sovereignity can be a very confusing and overlapping area of study. There are many websites out there that give slightly varying definitions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_sovereignty gives a broad overview of the term sovereignity as it is used in parliamentary terms, which encompasses the area of parliamentary sovereignity. There are also some websites that offer more comprehensive papers on the subject, http://lawbore.net/constitutional/articles/913 gives a link to a scholarly paper concerning the subject.
- This is an area of study which is very difficult to pin down, as it is constantly morphing and changing as to what the right of sovereignty encompasses. As the law changes with time, so does what is protected and effected by it.