
What Are The Essentials Of A Valid Offer In Order To Make It Enforceable In Law?


6 Answers

Nouman Umar Profile
Nouman Umar answered
The offer must be made in order to create legal relations otherwise there will be an agreement. If an offer does not give rise to legal obligations between the parties it is not a valid offer in the eye of law. In business transactions there is a presumption that the parties propose to make legal relationships. For example a person invite to another person to diner if the other person accepts the invitation then it is not any legal agreement between the parties it is social agreement.

An offer must be definite and clear. If the terms of an offer are not definite and clear it cannot be called a valid offer. If such offer is accepted it cannot create a binding contract. An agreement to agree in future is not a contract because the terms of an agreement are not clear. A person has two motorbikes. He offers to another person to sell his one bike for a certain price then it is not a legal and valid offer because there is an ambiguity in the offer that which motorcycle the person wants to sell. There is a difference between the offer and invitation of offer. Sometime people offer the invitation for the sale.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The offer which is being offered by the offerer should be legaly bound there must be enforcibility and there will be no negetive condition by offere. Negetive condition means that you offer sm one to purchase a car and the offree was busy to give you answer and you think that the offer has been except and the offerer should communicate with the offree and the important part of valid offer is that the offer will be oral or by conduct .conduct means that the implemntation and willingness to do sm thing by permofamance
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A offer may be express or implied and make a legal relation between the parties. If it does not rise a legal relation, it is not called a valid offer.A calid offer must be communicated to the offree that the person to whom the offer is going to be made must know about the offer. The offer must be definite and clear that it could be understood easily.
There should not be a cross offer. A cross offer means that both the parties offer at a time that offer can not become a contract.The offer may not contain any kind of corcian,the consent of both the parties must be free.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Are their any other essentials apart from ones above?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A abd B are friends,A got RO 1000 prize from Bank muscata and A offer RO 100 to B.But B diddnt give to him.A have any right to approch court.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I understand if the parties agree to go out on a date then it would be ok but if they don't agree then it would be a disagreement this would be more like an invitation for a date.
If the two parties agree then it is called a social agreement.
I worked at a grocery store for about 13 years and I have seen the prices on sale items go up and down and I understand that the higher the prices go the more expensive it is

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