As Otis, stated and some type of Big Business will always be illegally controlling something and someones😣.
Good luck i think their will be always be mafia type institutions so long as their is gambling and illegal drugs on this planet
You can't ! Organised crime controls so many things that I can't list them all here. Trying to fight them in any way would probably just get you a pair of cement shoes. People and organizations have been trying to do away with organised crime for many years with little to no success. Eastern Europe is the newest breeding round for them. Almost all of the old Eastern Bloc countries have their own versions of it. Too big and too much money involved to do much about it.
As someone who has somewhat close family in the mafia, I can tell you unless you're ready for war, that's not possible. I mean, unless you do it movie style, gain the main man's trust and take him out lol
Mack Bolan