
How To Write Work Experience Certificate For A Doctor Working In ICU ?


1 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Writing a work experience certificate for a doctor who is employed in an ICU is very similar to creating a typical letter of reference for anyone else. A work experience letter should detail your experiences with that doctor in an Intensive Care Unit work setting.

You can use a Word template for business letters to create the perfect format; in fact, if you're using Word, all you really need to do it type in Dr. ______ (the person's last name, to whom the certificate is addresses), and Word's little "paper clip" mascot will pop up on the screen, and ask you if you want to write a business letter. Just say yes and continue on with this built-in template.

Your certificate should list the doctor's:

• achievements
• special training
• work ethic
• attitude
• organization
• promptness

Anything that is memorable about a doctor's performance in the ICU should be outlined. You don't have to sugar coat things in your certificate; since people's health may be at stake, you must be honest and only recommend a doctor if you really believe in their skills and potential. If you like the doctor and think he or she is an asset, let people know through the work experience certificate you write. The document doesn't need to be very long-winded or wordy; it should simply communicate to others that this ICU physician is first-rate, and does her or his job according to the highest standards of excellence.

Traits, such as compassion and cheerfulness may also be noted, if they exist; however, the technical skills of a doctor will be more important in the long run. Focus on distinctive cases or situations in the ICU - ones where this doctor had a chance to shine. Then, sign the letter and send it out, or seal it and give it to the doctor.

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