I'm a Virgo, so I'm going with myself as a favorite.
Ok so here is some famous people born today jesse james,arthur nielson of nielson ratings,raquel welch,al stewert musician and michael keeton actor. So who is your virgo favorite?
I gotta go with Jesse James :)
Michael Keaton and Raquel Welch.
I'm a Virgo too so......me!
I nominate Jesse James...my 'outlaw' mentality...
I am going with Michael Keaton. Beetlejuice alone gets him that vote. I hope Beetlejuice 2 lives up to it.
Raquel Welch ! Quite a woman in her time. Jesse James has so many versions of his story told about him. What was he really like ? I wouldn't mind finding out what Raquel Welch was about either.
My husbands a virgo so I gotta pick him.