Can you be any more broad?
Health issues.... Mom's weight, under or overweight, diabetes, high blood pressure, hypertension, not eating properly, no or not enough adequate prenatal care, depression.
Your question is too vague so it's unclear what information you are looking for.
Are you talking about the child's health issues or the mother's?
For the mother's health issues, it would depend on how her health was before the pregnancy. However, some women experience other complications as a result of being pregnant, such as gestational diabetes, etc.
The child in the womb could experience their own health issues which can be caught on an ultrasound or other tests, as warranted by their doctor.
As each pregnancy is different, each child is different, each woman is different, it's impossible to give you a blank statement that applies in every situation.
I have no idea what exactly you are asking. You might want to rephrase your question.