I was called for duty back in the late 70's. Back then, you were required to report for two weeks and sit in a room with 99 other people, day after day. If you weren't called for a jury, you just sat in that room reading two week old newspapers. After a week, I was called for a jury and chosen as a juror after intense questioning. When they brought the defendant in, in cuffs, they made him face the jury. He raised both hands and said "yo Hippy". Of course I was dismissed because I went to high school with him.
Most judges and lawyers don't want somebody on the jury who is vocal in their belief in their Right to judge the law, before judging the crime. (aka "Jury Nullification").
I've only been called up once but it was an education. The first person rejected was a university lecturer; the first person accepted was a young girl whose jury-room interests were all about soap operas.
Apparently those people who are easily led and easily flummoxed are preferred.
I was rejected by the defence attorney which was a little disappointing since I'd have liked the experience.
It is a duty so you do it.
The last time I did it a young man was charged with aggravated assault with a fire arm. The casino that he did the alleged crime had the whole thing on video. With the video and testimony of all parties concerned we were able to find him guilty of a lesser charge.
You are given the parameters and you talk about it, coming to a conclusion. Perry Mason it isn't!
I have been called to jury duty 3 times. Twice the cases settled and I got to go home. The third on was a rape trial. The judge dismissed me when he heard my opinion of rapist, and that I firmly believe "NO" means "NO", even if the girl had been flirting and drinking in bar.
I had to go twice and the second time I found out their was a misunderstanding and wasted the entire day. I honestly dont remember much of the case, the people answering questions as requested by judge-- I found somewhat disappointing. My overall feeling was: Get me out of here!
Jury duty.
In that order!
Here i. Texas they only want cops fireman and teachers on the jury they call that a fair trial
The worst for me was one that lasted two and a half weeks ... Afternoons only! That meant going to my job in the morning, then reporting to court at 1:00 PM. The case seemed really simple to me, but the attorneys dragged it out.
No experience thank goodness.