
How come when people are in court for murder and jury are deciding guilty or not - why can't lie detectors be used?


7 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I think because a lot of people can fool a lie detector. Lot's of people can control their emotions to fool a lie detector.

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

As Rooster and Aux said ...

Plus, you can't be compelled to testify against yourself - and the courts assume you are innocent until proven guilty - - and a lie detector would violate both those rights.  Even for a witness.

Deston Elite Profile
Deston Elite answered

I don't suppose I for one would consider that evidence in a court decision. "Man sent to jail for murder; lie detector used for conviction."

Cody Deegan Profile
Cody Deegan answered

Lie detectors are not as accurate as we think it is. Since there are methods on how you can deceive the lie detector leading to defective results.

Rath Keale Profile
Rath Keale answered

Lie detectors do not measure the truth; this machine measures your physical response to questions.  So, if you are being questioned about a murder or robbery or another criminal event, it will register how upset you are.  Whether or not you are guilty, being in the system and being identified as a criminal with a background will be upsetting and will register on the machine.

A lie detector does not measure guilt.  It measures response, not intent, motivation, or access.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

Even lie detectors are not 100% dependable .. They can be manipulated.

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