My neighbor's husband of 32 years alledgely beat her. In lieu of leaving him, she elected to shoot him! Your thoughts?


8 Answers

Awesome  Autumn Profile
Awesome Autumn answered

I'd shoot him.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

My guess is it wasn't the first time she was beaten, but she made sure it was the last.  You never know what goes on behind closed doors, and everyone has a breaking point. I wouldn't rush to judge her until you know all the facts.

Sheldon  Cooper Profile
Sheldon Cooper answered

She may be in the right ,

However, if she can not prove in a court , that her life was in jeopardy at the time of the shooting ,

She will be in prison for a long long time- Jurors will ask why didn't she leave? Why did she stay in an abusive relationship? Only a coward hits on a women! 

No doubt ! If she can not prove her life was in danger at the time - she indeed will fall victim 2 times -

Domestic violence is a crime but not if you never report it or others around you don't ...

Hope she makes out ok -

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Sheldon  Cooper
Sheldon Cooper commented
I don't think I ever shared this
With anyone-
Except my gf
Now with millions /
If you are reading
And have a similar problem
Use your head- so you don't end up in prison..
You can prevail.
But be smart,
Nassy Nascarnut
Nassy Nascarnut commented
Thanx for sharing!
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Thanks, Sheldon. Glad it came out right in the finish.
Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

Not to make light of what she's likely had to go through, or how difficult it is to stand up to an abusive partner... But was shooting him really her best option?

I know it's a cliche, but two wrongs don't make a right, and apart from all that... There's the likelihood that she will face prosecution and serious jail time.

If this abusive partner has negatively impacted so many years of her life already, why risk allowing him to take away more of her time?

Personally, I'd much rather see her walk away and report him to the police.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

Leaving isn't always an option. I hope justice prevails, one way or the other. Without knowing any details I still wish her well.

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