
What Were Jim Crow Laws?


3 Answers

Deemarcas Day Profile
Deemarcas Day answered
They were laws in the south to keep blacks as second class citizens, separate schools, water fountains, no service in restaurants and motels, to keep the black citizens "down".  They were abolished after the Civil Rights Movement.
joyce Profile
joyce answered
The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws between 1876 and 1965. They mandated a separate but equal status for blacks. .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Jim Crow refers to the set of laws, traditions and practices which kept the black population of the southern United States subordinate to the white population even after the institution of slavery was abolished following the Civil War. The name Jim Crow derives from a famous character in a minstrel act in which a white person painted his face black and played the part of a subservient negro.

The Jim Crow practices had the effect of segregating the black and white populations of the South in almost all walks of life. There were separate schools for blacks and whites, separate carriages on the railway system, and blacks were banned outright from many clubs and restaurants. Blacks were effectively barred from voting in many areas either through physical intimidation of those who attempted to vote or through the use of bureaucratic impediments such as literacy tests or complex registration requirements which meant, in practice, that few blacks ever had the opportunity to cast a ballot.

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