Were James Hoyt And Kristen McKay Really Murdered, And What Were The Details?


2 Answers

Robin Burden Profile
Robin Burden answered
James Hoyt and Kristen McKay are fictional characters in the movie The Strangers, which was written and directed by Bryan Bertino.

Despite popular theories circulating around the internet, the movie is not based on real life events, and neither Hoyt nor McKay are real people.

Were James Hoyt and Kristen McKay really murdered? The horror movie The Strangers was slightly misleading in its promotion, claiming that it was based on 'real-life events'.

People took this to mean that the murders actually happened, but, when pressed on the subject, the producers admitted that the story line was loosely based on a series of break-ins that happened in the town where the writer/director grew up.

Despite this admission, there is still speculation on the internet that the movie draws on the unsolved Keddie Murders of 1981.

In a recent interview, the movie's director Bryan Bertino admitted he was pleased and surprised by the speculation regarding the movie - but confirmed that the story he created was not based on real-life murders.

Instead, he cited the crime novel Helter Skelter as his primary influence.

Helter Skelter is a book written by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry, and deals with the greusome subject of the Charles Manson Murders of 1969.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Found this bit of info on a website:

"What actually happened is yes there was a Hoyt family murder on the 11th 2005. The writer or whoever, mixed different murders together that have nothing to do with one another and combined them and he came up with the story." Sounds like the most probable explanation.

Much more probable than someone being able to remove all traces of the couple in question from the Internet, newspaper archives and the physical location.

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