
Can You Provide Me Prison/corrections Thesis Suggestions?


1 Answers

Janell Lynn Profile
Janell Lynn answered
Yes ! Thank you for this question.
Inmates get free medical care, dental care, games, tv, books, exercise equipment, and I heard they can even get a college degree, etc. They are supposed to be in prison for punishment, but the USA has gotten too soft and only believes in rehabilitation. It's not working. Inmates call it "3 hots and a cot".  Free food and a place to stay.    Why should they get better treatment than us good citizens on the outside ? Prisons should go back to being a punishment. Take away all the money they get for all the luxuries and give it back to us. Then we might actually have enough money to get a new Healthcare system for us! You could research about how much money is used annually across the country for inmates for what I call luxuries...and what that money could do for us tax payers instead.  
  I heard of a lady that used to be in prison. She got out and later found out she had breast cancer. She did not have health insurance, so she did something to get herself put back in jail so she could get cancer treatment....and us tax payers had to pay for it ! That's not fair !
  Inmates should get the bare amount of food to keep them alive, no tv, no luxuries, no fun in the yard, ....nothing but a cold cell with a bed and toilet. It should be bad enough they never want to go back. Here in the USA, no one is afraid to go to jail anymore. The crime rate is horrible.
  I really hope you do a thesis on the way prisons should really be, and how much money that would save us taxpayers. And the how the crime rate would be much lower if it is actually a punishment.  I think there are other countries to comapre us to...where they make it a punishment. You could find out how much money is spent annually on each inmate there, and how low their crime rate is by comparison to how much we spend on each inmate and our crime rate. If you choose to do a thesis along these lines, please make me a friend on your friends list here. I want to read your thesis when you are done. :)
thanked the writer.
Janell Lynn
Janell Lynn commented
This also counts as a current topic of interest. After you are done, then you can submit it to our politicians. I'm tired of the amount of money wasted on inmates. They should not get better treatment than us. Maybe some politicians will listen to your research.

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