Is It Illegal For 14 Year Olds To Send Nude Photos Of Themselves To Other 14 Year Olds?


21 Answers

Asuka Jr. Profile
Asuka Jr. answered
Frankly, you can create some terrible backlash for those around you and the recipient.
 Think about it. You're 14, and the person you're sending it to is 14, but no form of electronic communication is completely safe, so someone else can intercept the pics, and on top of that, neither you nor the person you are sending them to have your own internet connection (as minors can't enter into that kind of contract without a parent being the primary name on such an account), nor do you own your homes, as they belong to your parent or guardian. Now, if you are sending these pics via the internet, you are sending pictures that are legally considered child pornography from the internet connection belonging to one adult(your parent/guardian), to the internet connection of another adult (their parent or guardian). Do you think this could cause some problem for one or both of them? Do both of you own your own computers? Consider that the laws in most states consider any computers connected to your internet connection to be your responsibility. Do you want your mother or father to have to answer to why their internet account is distributing pornographic pictures of their child? Imagine the issues with Child Protective Services, the Criminal Justice System, the news media... You see where I'm going?
 And besides... You never actually know if you are sending such pics to another 14 yr old... And not someone that is claiming to be that old, but is in fact just someone trolling for kids to get naked pics of.
 Play it safe for everyone involved. Be a kid, don't try to grow up faster than you do (that includes sex of any sort), and keep yourself able to hold your head high, knowing there are no pictures of yourself that you might truly regret having exist. No nudes till at least 18. It's just better for everyone involved...and those just on the sidelines.
 I hope this makes you think very seriously before making a decision. This is not something you can just play around with. There will be very real, and often VERY permanent effects if there is ever an investigation, or even allegations of such behavior.
 Hopefully I've helped in some way. Good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
YES it is totally illegal. In some states it actually makes both of them a "sexual predator" and they COULD have to register with the sex offenders office wherever they move to for the rest of their lives. This doesn't come off your record when you turn 18 in a lot of states either. It stays with you.
If it is passed via the Internet yes it is illegal.  if it is sent through the post office it is not illegal as long as the person in said pic is the actual sender of same.♥
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
It is considered child porn, and it is illegal. You can be prosecuted for it. I wouldn't do it. Hope this helps.
Heywood Jublome Profile
Heywood Jublome answered
Yes. A bunch of teenagers from the area that I live in ( Western PA) got into big trouble for it. They call it "sexting", and it's considered child porn.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Definitely can be - teenagers have been charged criminally for this
Winter Profile
Winter answered
It is illegal, it doesn't matter who you send it to. Even if it isn't, that other 14 year old can send it to other people and just like that the whole world can know how one 14 year old's nude body looks.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Federal law states that nudity in itself is NOT illegal. Regardless of age. Explicit sexual content is necessary for the image to be illegal...under federal law. State laws may vary on this point. U.S. Code: Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 110 Section 2256:Child Porn:
Charles Jaramillo Profile
Yes it is illegal and its very invading showing someone especially from the age... Hope this helps and have a nice day! =)
Chinno Profile
Chinno answered
Considered child porn which is illegal but because its children who do it nothing might happen.
Kyoko Katayama Profile
Kyoko Katayama answered
The person photographing the naked 14 year-old (even if it's you doing the photographing yourself) will be charged with manufacturing child pornography.  The person receiving the photographs would be charged with possessing child pornography.
Daniel Potter Profile
Daniel Potter answered
Following on fromAsuka_Jr's post the reason for this being illegal is that the government doesn't recognise 14 year olds as fit to choose whether they can have sex or not (separate debate) and generally take part in sexual acts. Which is why they believe some one ELSE is choosing their decision by coercion or other means, meaning that YOUR parents could b charged with statutory rape.And as Nascarnut and Winter2007 pointed out, once it hits the internet it is very easy for it to be considered child pornography.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No, under age minor wouldn't be so much convicted as there parents would . But in cases some get tried and sentenced for dh programs, community service, and fines, the parents usually pay.

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