If you were born in 1983 how old you are right now depends on the month you were born in. Generally speaking the age of a person according to their birth year can be determined by subtracting the birth year, in this case 1983, from the current year, 2011. This gives an age of 28 years.
If the person was born before the current date, they are already 28, if born after, they will be 28 sometime in the coming months. In other words, assuming this is August 30, if the birthday of an individual falls before this date, they are now 28 years old. If their birthday is in September, October, November or December, they will be 28 years old in the relevant month.
Below are some birth years and corresponding ages in 2011.
1961 Age 50
1962 Age 49
1963 Age 48
1964 Age 47
1965 Age 46
1966 Age 45
1967 Age 44
1968 Age 43
1969 Age 42
1971 Age 40
1972 Age 39
1973 Age 38
1974 Age 37
1975 Age 36
1976 Age 35
1977 Age 34
1978 Age 33
1979 Age 32
1981 Age 30
1982 Age 29
1983 Age 28
1984 Age 27
1985 Age 26
1986 Age 25
1987 Age 24
1988 Age 23
1989 Age 22
1991 Age 20
1992 Age 19
1993 Age 18
1994 Age 17
1995 Age 16
1996 Age 15
1997 Age 14
1998 Age 13
1999 Age 12
If the person was born before the current date, they are already 28, if born after, they will be 28 sometime in the coming months. In other words, assuming this is August 30, if the birthday of an individual falls before this date, they are now 28 years old. If their birthday is in September, October, November or December, they will be 28 years old in the relevant month.
Below are some birth years and corresponding ages in 2011.
- 1960 to 1969
1961 Age 50
1962 Age 49
1963 Age 48
1964 Age 47
1965 Age 46
1966 Age 45
1967 Age 44
1968 Age 43
1969 Age 42
- 1970 to 1979
1971 Age 40
1972 Age 39
1973 Age 38
1974 Age 37
1975 Age 36
1976 Age 35
1977 Age 34
1978 Age 33
1979 Age 32
- 1980 to 1989
1981 Age 30
1982 Age 29
1983 Age 28
1984 Age 27
1985 Age 26
1986 Age 25
1987 Age 24
1988 Age 23
1989 Age 22
- 1990 to 1999
1991 Age 20
1992 Age 19
1993 Age 18
1994 Age 17
1995 Age 16
1996 Age 15
1997 Age 14
1998 Age 13
1999 Age 12
- 2000 - 2010
2000 Age 11
2001 Age 10
2002 Age 9
2003 Age 8
2004 Age 7
2005 Age 6
2006 Age 5
2007 Age 4
2008 Age 3
2009 Age 2
2010 Age 1
2001 Age 10
2002 Age 9
2003 Age 8
2004 Age 7
2005 Age 6
2006 Age 5
2007 Age 4
2008 Age 3
2009 Age 2
2010 Age 1