
Can A Felon Visit An Inmate In A Federal Prison?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
As long as the felon is no longer in prison, he is free to visit anybody he wants, anywhere (unless there is an order of protection against him).
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Thats the wrongest answer. You have to be approved by the prison prior to visiting. You cant just walk in on visiting day and expect to see whoever you want. Very dumb answer.
Habeas Corpus
Habeas Corpus commented
what he states makes sense, if the person goes thru everything they have him do as if he wasnt a felon, why would he be denied if the only thing not the same was he was a felon? seems it wold be a violation of his rights to see someone in prison if they denied it because he was a felon and for no other reason.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I think, Felon is no longer in prison now as court decided to release him before the completion of punishment. Still mostly people think that he is in prison because they didn’t get the news of his early exit from jail. To avoid such incidents, I am eager to educate people and got best dissertation help for properly searching the topic. I am hopeful this will be assistive for all the people.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most likely the prison will not approve an ex felon. Felons are suppose to steer clear of other felons. You must be approved by the prison to be be put on the inmates visiting list.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm a convicted felon and I have a friend that is in a federal prison and he wants me to visit him, would I get a approved to see him if I fill out the paper work

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