
Some experts argue that people should be allowed to hire Judges to resolve their disputes. Currently, Judges are appointed by the Judicial branch for a period of time. Does the use of private judges threaten our system of justice?


2 Answers

Smiley Crankenhoof Profile

It depends on what you mean. If you are referring to state (not federal) administrative law judges, in some states, they exist merely to settle disputes individuals have with state agencies.

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

I'd question the claim of impartiality as a judge when they are receiving payment for service from litigants. This is like justice for hire, which is inherently unjust, especially to the poor. Not to say it doesn't already work like this. The mafia did business this way. 

If I could cite any good in this proposition it would likely create a speedier process than the current public justice system is now.

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