
My license is suspended & expired in iL but I live in Ga now. Since Ga isn't part of the NDR, can I get a valid state Ga license? And if so, what would be my steps?


2 Answers

Cyber Tooth Tiger Profile

I'm sure no matter what state you live in or go to they're going to have record of your suspension / expired license. I really don't know if  another state would be allowed to issue you a license cause of them reasons but hard to say. I know they ask you at any place you go get a photo Id. If you have any suspensions whether your drive or not and they do look it up on the computer cause I only have a photo Id. They do the same with me.

susan Gayhart Profile
susan Gayhart answered

1. You need to take care of the suspension that is on your record then you get a letter stating that you took care of it.

2. Take the letter to your local DMV. Then you will be able to get your license reinstated.

Also if your license has been expired for 6 or more months,most states make you take the written and driving test over. If it is not expired then most states will reinstate your license that day.

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