
What Characteristics That Will Make Your House A Home?


2 Answers

Joan Profile
Joan answered
I am of the belief that love is what changes a house into a home.   A home will have personal touches indicating that a person lives there, not just a robot of a of loved ones, flowers, items that indicate a personal preference in decor, perhaps a display of a collection of some item (knives, hat pins, baseballs...anything that indicates that this house is occupied by a real person) who has ideas and finds pleasure in living life to the fullest.
Cameron Robertson Profile

I think that it's the people and the experiences as much as the things that go into a building that transforms the place. There has to be a feeling associated with a home - a sense of belonging and familiarity and that takes time and effort to create. It's the emotions that are vested into the items and people that reside in that place.

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